A rake shouldn’t be complicated. The Massey Ferguson RK rakes are straightforward, reliable tools that keep your hay clean with as little complication as possible.
Request a quote to streamline you hay season.
11’6″-25’6″ Width
Simple Durable Frame
Rotor Suspension
Headland Control System
Your hay tools need to be simple and cost effective. The Massey Ferguson RK rakes have features that improve the quality of your hay without being complicated and expensive.
When your rotor tines dig into the ground, your hay quality is lower. The Massey Ferguson RK rake prevents this with Rotorflex suspension so your rake always follows the field topography.
Massey RK rakes are simple, durable, and keep your hay clean. With multiple windrow width and delivery options, the RK rake can rake the way you want.
When turning on the headland, the RK rake arms lift so the rotors don’t need to stop spinning. The rotors return to the ground at a gradual angle to avoid digging into the ground.
For every new AGCO unit you purchase in a 12-month period, you get 1% off each product you purchase up to 7% off. Purchasing a rake with a tractor or baler could save you thousands!