A firm, level seedbed is one of the most important attributes to fast, uniform plant growth. Yet, fuel is getting more expensive and the time for multiple field passes comes at a premium. Why not consider a Sunflower Land Finisher instead? In one trip, it performs discing, conditioning, incorporation and finishing in working widths from 17 to 37 feet. Loaded with features to help comply with todayโ€™s residue management requirements, the 6433 can enhance seed-to-soil contact and create a favorable environment for early root growth โ€” all while reducing input costs when preparing fields for planting.
Disc, condition, incorporate, cultivate, and finish all in one trip. Could you be more efficient and still be farming? The Sunflower 6433 Land Finisher is tillage intensity at its finest. Easily adjustable and feature packed, the 6433 fits a wide range of medium horsepower tractors.


Performing multiple tillage operations in a single pass saves you many trips across your fields. By introducing your farm to the Sunflower 6433 Land Finisher, not only will you be a more efficient operator but you can directly cut your farm input cost in fuel use, tractor wear, multiple implement cost and anti-compaction campaigns.

Equipment โ€บ Tillage โ€บ Cultivation โ€บ Land Finishers