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Earlier this year Maple Lane delivered two Fendt tractors to Jason Jantzi of Jama Custom Farming in Milverton, Ontario. In addition to his new Fendt 513, a pedal tractor was also strapped to the trailer. Jason was of course excited about the delivery, and so was his four year old son Lavon. Jason had made sure to get Lavon the pedal tractor he had been saving up for. The toy was part of the new tractor deal. He tweeted the delivery, and got the attention of AGCO with his picture.
Not one, but two tractors delivered from Maple Lane Farm Service! pic.twitter.com/AdCjWLnQag
โ Jason Jantzi (@JamaFarming) May 17, 2016
AGCO followed up with an interview and wanted to feature the story in the September edition of their European publication Fendt Focus. You can read the article, and the details of Jason’s operation on the Fendt website as well.
Not only was Jason ready to shine the spotlight on the Fendt tractor, but he was also willing to shine it on his dealer.
“‘I like the reliability of Fendt tractors. When baling, we cannot afford downtimes, especially if the forecast calls for rain. Luckily we have very few problems with our machines and if something should happen, our dealership, Maple Lane, helps us immediately, although they have to drive almost 45 minutes to get here,’ says Jantzi emphasising their excellent collaboration with their dealer. Through the well-organised service, technicians already know before arriving, where the problem lies, and can bring the proper spare parts with them to the appointment.”
Thanks for putting in a good word for Maple Lane Jason! We are glad to keep you and the whole family farming.